Welcome to the uvex group sustainability report!

We have been reporting on sustainable activities across the group in our sustainability report since 2014. From sustainable products from our brands, social commitment and interesting employee projects to measures in uvex's own factories that reduce our ecological footprint.

GRI 102-14, 102-20

Michael Winter, Managing Partner

"At present, sustainability is becoming a hot topic on the back of radical societal and technological changes. We are aware of our responsibilities and will seek to meet this societal and technological transformation process head on. Our mission protecting people obligates us to protect the environment as well. We are holistically integrating sustainability in our business processes. For this, we identified four specific focus areas and supplemented these with quantifiable, group-wide goals that are to be implemented at plant level: ecological transformation, social responsibility, the circular economy as a driver of innovation and, finally, a commitment to not harm the environment or human health."

Georg Höfler, CFO

"When it comes to achieving our climate protection targets, we have established a clear hierarchy: the top priority is the avoidance of greenhouse gases. Where it proves impossible to avoid greenhouse gas emissions, it is important to reduce them to the maximum minimum so that, in the end, only the ultimately unavoidable emissions are offset via certified climate protection projects. We have set ourselves the goal of achieving climate neutrality for the uvex group, including the upstream and downstream value chain, by 2045. Additional targets are centred on steadily increasing the use of recycled materials and bioplastics in addition to implementing sustainable supplier management arrangements with a focus on climate protection, social values and transparency."

Ecology Energy management Buildings Offsetting projects Sustainable IT News from the uvex safety group News from the uvex sports group News from the Filtral group Ecology im Überblick
Economy Social
Social Rainer Winter Foundation Commitment in the region Employees Social im Überblick
Key figures
Key figures Key Environmental Indicators Key Staff Indicators Key Economic Indicators Key figures im Überblick
Supply chain Made in uvex
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