Filtral group

PV installation at Filtral headquarters

The photovoltaic (PV) system installed on the roof of the production hall in Burgfarrnbach has been supplying around 100,000 kWh of solar power since the autumn of 2021. The solar electricity is fed directly into the site’s own network, where it can then be used directly by Filtral. A total of 42% (FY 2022/23) is used by Filtral itself, with this value having declined versus the previous year, while the surplus is sold back to the Infra Fürth public grid as renewable energy.

The PV system has seen energy sourced from the grid fall by more than 50% in comparison with 2020.

The annual CO2 saving amounts to approximately 40 tonnes compared with the German electricity mix. Moreover, the PV system generates enough electricity to supply 30 households.

Sustainable glasses made from recycled material

As an additional step towards increasing its sustainable credentials, Filtral is using recycled materials, known as post-consumer recycled content (PCR), in its reading glasses.

Since as early as 2021, recycled plastics have been used in the models offered under Filtral’s reading aid collection. In the meantime, all plastic frames are now made 100% from recycled materials.

Some models offered under Filtral’s collection of sunglasses are now also produced on the basis of recycled plastics – 20 out of 50 frames will be manufactured in this way from summer 2024. Many of these models additionally feature lenses made from recyclate. Last but by no means least: four brand new models developed on the basis of recycled metals have been added to the product line – a truly innovative addition to the Filtral collection!

Advantages of recycled plastic:

Reduction in the use of fossil fuels

Manufacturing process protects valuable resources and the environment

Reduced waste

Project Togo

For many years now, the Filtral group has dedicated time and resources to reducing CO2 emissions. At present, however, technological challenges mean that it is not yet possible to fully avoid or reduce CO2 emissions. As an approach to overcoming this situation and a step in the direction of greater sustainability, Filtral offsets these emissions by supporting PROJECT TOGO, a reforestation project for natural forests in the West African nation of Togo. The project not only focuses on the reforestation of fallow land in Togo, but also prioritizes the improvement of social structures in the project region. Since 2012, Filtral has succeeded in offsetting more than 6,500 tonnes of CO2 overall through PROJECT TOGO.

Long-term measures are implemented within the framework of PROJECT TOGO, including the creation of permanent jobs, the construction of sanitary facilities and wells for drinking water, in addition to the establishment of a training centre since 2022.

This training centre offers a wide range of courses including literacy and language courses. A significant innovation within PROJECT TOGO is the construction of a farming hub. In the future, farmers will be trained here in syntropic agroforestry methods in order to prepare them to deal with the impacts of climate change on food production across the region. The hub focuses on teaching innovative cultivation methods.

Thanks to the Filtral group’s commitment and dedication to this cause, many of these projects are financed and therefore secured over the long term.

More information

GRI 301-2, 301-3

Stylish sunglasses
and reading glasses


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