About this report

The uvex group is aware of its responsibility and will be proactively supporting the sustainability transformation process. Our commitment to protecting the environment is also derived from our protecting people mission. For this reason, we have set ourselves the target of holistically integrating sustainability considerations throughout our business processes.

Our understanding of sustainability is based on a three-pillar model of Economic. Ecological. Social. This can be summed up as follows: responsible corporate management to safeguard the future economic viability of the sub-groups on the basis of innovative, high-quality business models offering corresponding products and services. In close cooperation with customers, suppliers and market partners along the value chain, we implement business practices with real integrity and operate in accordance with the law. We ensure that natural resources are used carefully and conscientiously, in addition to cultivating a modern, family-friendly working environment. Moreover, the business group has stood in solidarity with those less fortunate, having made a contribution to solving social problems for more than 40 years, for example, through the Rainer Winter Foundation. In developing the Ecological and Social pillars, our activities are geared towards four focus areas derived from our materiality analysis: ecological transformation, social responsibility, the circular economy as a driver of innovation and a commitment to not harm the environment or human health. The sustainable orientation of the uvex group remains a long-term, ongoing process. In this context, the uvex group is striving to develop the topic of sustainability as its ninth core competency.

By incorporating ecological and social aspects into our core business, the uvex group can act in an even more forward-thinking manner, which proactively contributes to minimising risk. In order to bolster the future viability of the uvex group, solutions focused on climate and resource protection, in addition to measures aimed at avoiding social injustice, are embedded in the business models and corporate processes.

When we first set out on our sustainability journey, we took measures aimed at saving energy or rethinking and reducing the use of resources. With the protecting planet initiative, we have launched a label that offers maximum transparency and information on our sustainability activities. Each sub-group plays a part in this. All products use either recycled, organic or compostable materials. The demonstrable durability of the products also helps to make them sustainable. A focus has also been placed on sustainable packaging concepts. The sustainable products offered by uvex safety, uvex sports, Filtral and ALPINA can be found at > protecting planet: concept and product worlds

For the uvex group, all decisions and the corporate culture are rooted in common sustainable values. The internal Code of Conduct serves as a sustainable framework for all employees of the uvex group, who are obliged to conduct themselves in an economically, ecologically and socially responsible manner. The Social Standard regulates the ethical principles upon which cooperations with business partners and their employees, suppliers, representatives and sub-contractors are based. We perform due diligence right along our supply chains in addition to carrying out regular audits, while various reporting channels for whistleblowers have been set up in order to ensure that all business partners are complying with the uvex group’s Social Standard. The uvex group’s Code of Conduct and Social Standard are based on agreements ratified by the International Labour Organization (ILO) and United Nations (UN), in addition to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) principles for multinational enterprises.

In terms of content, the Sustainability Report 2022/23 covers additional sustainable products and activities at uvex’s proprietary manufacturing facilities in particular. Moreover, the Sustainability Report 2022/23 also includes news in relation to the fleet and energy management, as well as from all sub-groups. The report is rounded off by the Social section, in which the uvex group presents a number of employee projects and new initiatives realised by the Rainer Winter Foundation.

No organisational changes occurred during the reporting period (FY 2022/23). The CSR Strategy Board and CSR Implementation Board regularly meet to ensure the systematic integration of sustainability aspects in both the corporate strategy and business model. The comparability of data from the reporting period against that of previous financial years is guaranteed by ensuring that the data is specifically allocated to the relevant time period. Individual deviations from the previous report are explained in each case.

This report has been prepared in accordance with the GRI Standards: Core option.

External audit

The consolidated financial statements and group management report of the uvex group are audited in line with legal requirements by the auditors Rödl & Partner GmbH. In addition, the uvex group did not carry out a separate audit for either the Sustainability Report 2014 or the updates in 2015, 2016/17, 2017/18, 2018/19, 2019/20, 2020/21, 2021/22 or for the Sustainability Report 2022/23.

Ecology Energy management Buildings Offsetting projects Sustainable IT News from the uvex safety group News from the uvex sports group News from the Filtral group Ecology im Überblick
Economy Social
Social Rainer Winter Foundation Commitment in the region Employees Social im Überblick
Key figures
Key figures Key Environmental Indicators Key Staff Indicators Key Economic Indicators Key figures im Überblick
Supply chain Made in uvex
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