uvex Winter Holding

*Since financial year 2023/24, the electricity consumption of Logistik 24 in Rednitzhembach is included in the Holding subgroup.

uvex safety group

*The increase in heating oil consumption is due to a construction project at Siemensstrasse 6, which required a mobile heating system based on heating oil.

From the 2020/21 financial year, the uvex safety Bardejov, HexArmor and laservision USA sites were also included in the accounts.

uvex sports group

*The significant reduction in the uvex sports group's ecological indicators was due to the closure of the B-S-A Gesellschaft für Kunststoffverarbeitung und -handel mbH plant.

uvex group

*The significant reduction in the uvex sports group's ecological indicators was due to the closure of the B-S-A Gesellschaft für Kunststoffverarbeitung und -handel mbH plant.

From financial year 2020/21, the uvex safety Bardejov, HexArmor and laservision USA sites were also included in the accounting.


*The reason for the increased water consumption was a faulty valve, which allowed water to escape unnoticed over a longer period of time.

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