
GRI 305-5, 404-2

For the uvex group, economic sustainability represents a continuation of value-driven, qualitative growth at both national and international level. Particular value is placed on independence from banks in order to maintain a solid financial profile even during difficult times and to remain fit for the future.

The uvex group is strategically working to further anchor sustainability aspects in its activities in order to integrate sustainable thinking and management across the business model. The value orientation is now being expanded to include sustainability perspectives with the long-term and ambitious goal of the uvex group operating on a climate-neutral basis. To achieve this, the focus will be on cutting CO2 emissions paired with a holistic review of all business activities.

At the uvex group, economic sustainability also means being a secure and attractive employer to both current and future employees.

Integrity and lawful conduct in business activities form part of the uvex group’s self-perception. The Corporate Compliance Guidelines outline fundamental values and a code of conduct for employees. Business partners in the supply chain must comply with the uvex group's Social Standard.

A digital learning format - eLearning - was developed and rolled out across business group in June 2024 to give employees a deep understanding of the uvex group's ethical principles and standards of behaviour. This not only includes the company's core values, but also an interactive knowledge survey to round off the learning programme.

Code of Conduct of the uvex group

Key Economic Indicators 2023/24



Ecology Energy management Buildings Offsetting projects Sustainable IT News from the uvex safety group News from the Filtral group News from ALPINA Ecology im Überblick
Economy Social
Social Rainer Winter Foundation Commitment in the region Employees Social im Überblick
Key figures
Key figures Key Environmental Indicators Key Staff Indicators Key Economic Indicators Key figures im Überblick
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