Monitoring audit in line with ISO 50001

uvex Winter Holding and its subsidiaries (uvex Arbeitsschutz, uvex safety gloves, uvex sports Lederdorn, B-S-A Gesellschaft für Kunststoffverarbeitung und -handel mbH and Filtral) were again successfully audited in line with ISO 50001:2018 in July 2023. This international standard defines requirements for energy management systems that support businesses in efforts to improve energy-efficiency and reduce energy costs.

For this certification, the updated Guidelines on the Use of Company Vehicles, which promote the use of environmentally friendly vehicles, garnered particular praise. Moreover, targets aimed at reducing energy consumption and CO2 emissions, reinforced with concrete measures to achieve the aims, were also highlighted.

Photovoltaics as the energy supplier of the future

One of the focal points in the area of sustainability is the use of renewable energy. The uvex group already operates several photovoltaic (PV) systems at various locations, which make a key contribution to reducing the carbon footprint. In 2023, a total of 194.7 kWp in PV output was installed across the group, split between Obernzell (65.8 kWp), Burgfarrnbach (99.9 kWp) and Neukirchen (29 kWp). Further PV projects are in the pipeline for 2024 in Rednitzhembach (approx. 780 kWp) and in Fürth (1.4 MWp), which will further increase energy efficiency and ecological added value. These projects demonstrate the uvex group’s commitment to a sustainable future and responsible corporate management.

Focus on green electricity and green gas

Our green electricity is obtained from sources such as biomass, in addition to hydroelectric, wind and solar power. This makes an important contribution to our climate protection ambitions. The green electricity sourced by uvex locations since 2014 is 100% TÜV-certified, renewable electricity from hydropower and also promotes new facilities across the region. The uvex group has been procuring green gas since 2016, with the emissions generated on the basis of gas combustion offset by projects that first contribute to CO2 reduction, and second, support sustainable development and job creation, in addition to improving social, ecological and sanitary conditions in the respective country.

New office space for uvex safety Austria

uvex safety Austria has moved. The new office space, which is located in Wels (Upper Austria, around 30 mins drive from Linz), underwent an energy-orientated refurbishment, with the building additionally brought in line with the latest technological standards.

Electromobility in Fürth

At the Fürth headquarters, additional charging stations were installed to cater for the rising number of electric vehicles. Plans are also in place to gradually expand the number of charging stations over the coming financial years.

Energy assessment of a building at the Fürth headquarters

To aid our transformation in the direction of greenhouse gas neutrality, the uvex academy building (Siemensstrasse 6) in Fürth was assessed on the basis of a feasibility study.

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