Offsetting projects

We follow a clearly defined hierarchy when it comes to pursuing our goal of operating on a climate-neutral basis:

1. Avoid,

2. Reduce,

3. Offset.

In this context, we have been successfully working with our partner natureOffice for many years.

Project Togo

Our subsidiary Filtral has been supporting Project Togo for several years now. Given that offsetting is something of a last resort when it comes to achieving our ecological goals, we decided to expand the partnership with natureOffice across the group as a whole. Since January 2024, other sub-groups have also been supporting Project Togo.

The aim is to pass on knowledge and experience in order to promote self-sufficiency at a local level. Project Togo goes above and beyond ordinary climate protection projects by actively involving the local community and promoting transparency.

Project Togo involves:

  • Energy generation
  • Provision of water
  • Expansion of healthcare and educational infrastructure
  • Promotion of sustainable agricultural practices and forestry management

Run-of-river (ROR) power plant in Uttarakhand, India

In addition, we are also supporting another vital project: this is an ROR hydroelectric power plant located in Uttarakhand, India. This project comprises the construction and operation of a 330 MW grid-connected hydroelectric power plant on the Alaknanda River. The aim here is to reduce the dependency on fossil fuels.

The objectives of this project include:

  • The creation of employment opportunities
  •  Increasing income security in local communities
  •  Development of infrastructure
  •  Reducing greenhouse gas emissions

About Run-of-river (ROR) power plant

Local development, global impact

With our offsetting projects, we proactively play our part in supporting the following UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):

Certifications 2024
Ecology Energy management Buildings Offsetting projects Sustainable IT News from the uvex safety group News from the uvex sports group News from the Filtral group Ecology im Überblick
Economy Social
Social Rainer Winter Foundation Commitment in the region Employees Social im Überblick
Key figures
Key figures Key Environmental Indicators Key Staff Indicators Key Economic Indicators Key figures im Überblick
Supply chain Made in uvex
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