We take care to ensure that the uvex group adopts a careful and conscientious approach when it comes to consuming our planet’s finite natural resources. This applies equally to energy and mobility, as well as to the construction of new buildings and the use of electronic devices within the IT department. Here, you can discover which products are particularly sustainable and how we, right across our sub-groups, live up to our responsibility to protect the environment in a variety of ways.

Energy management
We rely on "green electricity" from renewable sources such as hydropower and solar energy. Our Guidelines on the Use of Company Vehicles place an even stronger emphasis on thinking about fuel consumption, particularly with regard to the CO2 emissions this generates.

Fossil-free and sustainable heat generation, protection and promotion of biodiversity: sustainability was at the forefront of our minds when building the new logistics and service centre in Rednitzhembach.

Sustainable IT
How can IT processes be made more sustainable? What initiatives are being supported by the uvex group in order to advance issues such as the circular economy, avoiding waste and the development of more sustainable products for users?

Sustainable products & projects
protecting planet – our promise for people and the environment. Every sub-group and every brand makes a valuable contribution to this concept. Many of our products are united by the fact that they either use recycled, bio-based or biodegradable materials. However, time and again, cooperations with external partners also provide vital impetus as we seek to jointly shape the future.