Sustainability Report 2023/24 Downloads

Sustainability report


We have been reporting on sustainable activities across the group in our sustainability report since 2014. The report covers the sustainable products offered by our range of brands, in addition to aspects such as our social commitment, fascinating employee projects and the measures taken at uvex’s own plants that seek to reduce our ecological footprint.

GRI 102-14, 102-20


protecting people is our mission. It is precisely this mission that shapes our pledge to act not only sustainably, but also with social and environmental responsibility. Michael Winter and Georg Höfler, who jointly form the management team of the uvex group, discuss the business group’s sustainable approach to conducting business.


Management Summary


About this report

We prepare our Sustainability Report in line with the GRI content index of the Global Reporting Initiative. In so doing, we fulfil high standards as well as ensuring comparability across borders and transparency with regard to our operations.

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Our sustainability strategy


The uvex group is aware of its responsibility and intends to proactively support the sustainability transformation process.

An overview of our aims

Our sustainability activities are geared towards four focus areas derived from our materiality analysis: ecological transformation, social responsibility, the circular economy as a driver of innovation and a commitment to not harm the environment or human health.

We shall continue to focus on further developing the way in which we integrate the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 

Further information on our four focus areas

Are you already familiar with our 12 credos?

Key SDGs

Organisational profile

find out more

Ecology Energy management Buildings Offsetting projects Sustainable IT News from the uvex safety group News from the uvex sports group News from the Filtral group Ecology im Überblick
Economy Social
Social Rainer Winter Foundation Commitment in the region Employees Social im Überblick
Key figures
Key figures Key Environmental Indicators Key Staff Indicators Key Economic Indicators Key figures im Überblick
Supply chain Made in uvex
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